Sunday, 26 June 2011

Designer Challenge - LISP Bazaar


LISP took part in a challenge with *Art Dummy! this week, we had a great deal of fun designing the rooms, and both are on display in our shops.

Blog can be found here

Items can be purchased online at our

shop on the marketplace

or as always inworld at the

tp to LISP Bazaar



Saturday, 25 June 2011

Happy Sunshine Light Bulb Plants - LISP Bazaar


Newness at LISP, potted heart/star lamp flowers, growing chandeliers and indoor or outdoor floor arrangements, with turn on/off lights and corona/particle effects, 50L a set.

Items can be purchased online at our

shop on the marketplace

or as always inworld at the

tp to LISP Bazaar



Sunday, 19 June 2011

Flying Skylark Benches New at LISP Bazaar


New benches at LISP for SBS, still got them out in the store

*Texture change of 6 different colours on the legs and seat, mix and match.

*3 cuddles (PG) and 3 singles & friends sits (synch with another avi if they are sat on the bench too).

*Reading a paper animation (bench dispenses a paper for anyone to use)

*Flying in the air anims (2 different ones) as soon on the video below

*Copyable and moddable (the scripts are no mod) 6 prims a bench.

*Comes with decor of a beach oar - 2 prims and a "gone fishing" sign with sculpted fish or a package, bowler hat, apple and umbrella.

Items can be purchased online at our

shop on the Marketplace

or as always inworld at the

tp to LISP Bazaar



Saturday, 18 June 2011

MMIF /Espace Exhibition


The popular MMIF is well underway this weekend, it's a celebration of current Machinima and is held inworld as well as being at the centre for counter culture, Club Karlsson in Amsterdam. Chantal has managed to get the weekend highlighted in Time Out Amsterdam magazine!

The event is also held inworld at the LEA (Linden Endownment for the Arts) Sims on a 4 corner set up, allowing for lots of traffic without the associated lag. There will be interviews with the machinima creators before the streaming of the films. I've got Ctrl, Alt, Del showing, along with a lot of great films by other creators.

For details of times and locations please see the official MMIF website

As well as Chantal Harvey and her team pioneering this new media, the Atopic team in France have been promoting machinima recently, firstly at Videoformes (Machinima is on page 45 of the brochure).

and at the Espace Multimedia & Culture Centre for the “We can be Heroes” Exhibition, where there is still a week left to go visit if you are in the region.

Ctrl, Alt was shown at Videoformes and Dagon is showing at Espace, thank you once again Fauve Beaumont for the French translation of the film!

Rightio, that's my geek chat over with for a month or 2 :D


Sunday, 12 June 2011

Neon Bright Storm Lanterns at LISP Bazaar


I've got a little cheapie pack of neon bright storm lanterns out in the LISP shop.

Set of 15 copyable storm lanterns in zingy yellow, lime green, hot pink, scarlet and neon blue.

*5 come in a longer size with a lit candle inside and a small light.

*5 come with texture change glass with 5 options

*5 come with an on off full bright - tungsten glow - light effect.

Items can be purchased online at our

shop on the Marketplace

or as always inworld at the

tp to LISP Bazaar



Saturday, 11 June 2011

Postboxes/Mailboxes at LISP Bazaar


New post boxes/mail boxes at LISP:

There are 6 boxes in total included in the package:

3 x working notecard mail boxes (1 large, 1 small, 1 wall version) so that customers and friends can leave the owner notecards to be retrieved at a later date.

3 x decor mail boxes, ideal for Sims (1 large, 1 small, 1 wall version).


Other features:

*Letters decor can be rezzed and unrezzed (as shown on the pics) by touching the base of all the boxes.

*Letter props can be given out to anyone for use with some poses/anims (as shown on the pics).

*The self standing boxes come with 7 animated sits and 5 static poses (ideal for photos). The animated sits are also great for Sim/shop decor for visitors to use.

Poses include such essentials as "oo, shall I post?" "walking to post" "posting" and "ta-dah, I've posted!" :D

I've got them at 200L for the first week or release, 350L thereafter.

Items can be purchased online at our

shop on the Marketplace

or as always inworld at the

tp to LISP Bazaar



Sunday, 5 June 2011

Mathilde Informal Dining Set - LISP Bazaar


Quick post to mention the other set at LISP this weekend, chairs have lots of sits, eat m&f, drink m&f, toast, reach, full m&f, write, read, etc. Dispenses drinks and food (informal).

The set can be purchased on the Marketplace

at our online store

or as always inworld

tp to LISP Bazaar



Saturday, 4 June 2011

Mathilde Office & Lazy Sunday at LISP Bazaar


New set at LISP, desk chair has a load of sits, drink coffee, type on laptop, read, write, sleep etc and dispenses coffee/pencils.

For Lazy Sunday we have the console set, it's slightly different inworld than on the Marketplace (pic and books added for the Marketplace) price has been adjusted for sale on there.

The full set is reduced in price to 40% off for the week of release.

Items can be purchased on the Marketplace

at our shop online

or as always inworld

tp to LISP Bazaar



Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Snuggle Chairs at LISP Bazaar


Snuggle chairs are slightly oversized chairs with room for 2 people.

Chairs come with 3 synched sits for chit chatting with friends. They also come with 3 PG cuddles for snuggling with a loved one. Solo sits are included too, 4 sitting and lounging. There are male and female drink anims and using a laptop, useful for bloggers and writers.

The chair dispenses mugs of steaming coffee for use with the drinking anims for anyone who touches it.

The laptop is for the owner only, and is copyable, but there are 3 transferable laptops to give to friends or family so they can use the typing feature.

The friend sits can be used solo, giving an extra 6 sits.

Chairs are copyable and moddable and 15 prims each.

Texture change cushions as shown on the pic.

We have 10 versions of this chair, not all are shown above.

You can purchase these chairs half price this week, online

at our shop on the Marketplace

or as always inworld

tp to LISP Bazaar

