New post boxes/mail boxes at LISP:
There are 6 boxes in total included in the package:
3 x working notecard mail boxes (1 large, 1 small, 1 wall version) so that customers and friends can leave the owner notecards to be retrieved at a later date.
3 x decor mail boxes, ideal for Sims (1 large, 1 small, 1 wall version).
Other features:
*Letters decor can be rezzed and unrezzed (as shown on the pics) by touching the base of all the boxes.
*Letter props can be given out to anyone for use with some poses/anims (as shown on the pics).
*The self standing boxes come with 7 animated sits and 5 static poses (ideal for photos). The animated sits are also great for Sim/shop decor for visitors to use.
Poses include such essentials as "oo, shall I post?" "walking to post" "posting" and "ta-dah, I've posted!" :D
I've got them at 200L for the first week or release, 350L thereafter.
Items can be purchased online at our
shop on the Marketplaceor as always inworld at the
tp to LISP BazaarThanks